Friday, October 24, 2008

Still Waiting.......

I had another dr appointment today and we were really hoping that he would decide to induce. Well, no such luck. He is not big on inducing because it increases the chance of c-section so he is going to make me wait one more week. He is hoping that I will go into labor on my own within the week. But if not, he has assured me that no matter what he will schedule me for induction after my appointment on friday. That's friday October 31....Halloween which I really didn't want to have him on Halloween but at this point I will take what I can get. I am just ready for him to be here.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

So I am 2 days beyond my due date and we are still waiting on the arrival of our baby boy. The Dr. says that at my appointment on Friday we will talk about inducing. That is if I make it that far.....Let's pray that I don't. Hopefully the next pics that I post will be of Tristan and not my big belly.