Friday, July 31, 2009


I was sitting at the computer today watching youtube videos and addressing baby shower invitations while Tristan was eating a snack. I think he liked this song...

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Just a quick video of Bye-Bye. I have lots of videos but they take a long time to upload(gotta love satellite internet) so I will get some more on here in time.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Our Busy Week

This week instead of 2 babies we have 4! The girls that used to stay with me are back for a week. It's been crazy and the week isn't even half way over. Kenzie is 6 weeks older than Tristan but smaller and and about 7 lbs. lighter. I half to reassure him that she is below average he is not over weight :) This is the first time he has really been around a kid his age since he got old enough to play. The are funny!---Watch out Kenzie he can be dangerous with that bat!
Tug of war!

Jayden is here too. She is 2 1/2 and a lot of fun! She loves the dogs. They keep her busy all day just running and hiding from her.
Uncle Clay was here too. We love it when he comes over(mostly cause we LOVE Bonnie but don't tell him that ;) She thinks she is a little dog like Chuch always sprawling out!
Just a few randoms from the week. He now knows that he is actually the one making the walker move. He can steer and go forward and reverse. Following me around all day long!

Strike a pose! Just thought this little pose was funny!

Baseball Boy!

He LOVES his new baseball toy! He is already hitting home runs!(I think he gets it from his momma ;)

Check out that swing! So fast the bat even has a blur!
At the end of a hard day of batting practice you gotta have a snack! :)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

New Toys!

He learned how to stand up in his "cage" so we had to get some new toys to keep him entertained... He was throwing all his toys over the side at Chuch.

Now instead of always crawling everywhere to get into things he can walk around and get into things!
And chase the dogs! Bonnie and Chuchy better watch out!
And I guess it even tastes good too.
Hey batter batter! SWING!
He got a new baseball game too. Fun times ahead!


I finally got a shot of the teeth! He has two on bottom and I can feel one on top but haven't got to see it yet.
Close up!

Spending Time With Unk!

Tristan doesn't snuggle with very many people so I was shocked when he sat with Clay and let him rock him for quite awhile.
Of course as soon as I got the camera out he quit snuggling and started acting up!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Fun In The Sun!

Today we spent most of the day with Unk in and out of the car so when we got home we decided to take a dip in the pool.
His frog float popped(not with him in it!) so now we have a donkey.

He loves the water now! Once I put him in it's hard to get him out wothout him throwing a fit.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Blowing kisses to mommy!

He can now blow kisses. He doesn't do the hand motion just puckers up but cute just the same. He says and waves bye bye and says mama and plays peek a boo. He pretty much only says mama when he is mad or wants me and waves and says bye bye to me and Rich all the time but every time we try to get him to do it to someone else he looks at us like we are crazy. We have to play peek a boo at every diaper change or he will throw a fit. He covers his face with a wash rag and pulls it off so you will tell him peek a boo. He learns more and more everyday! I am such a proud mommy!

The Things You'll Do To Keep Your Kid From Getting Into Stuff...

How about putting them in a storage container!
Don't worry, I was sitting by him playing the whole time. I didn't leave him unattended or anything.

I had this container sitting on the floor and was getting ready to fill it up to take some stuff out to the storage building. While I was gathering things up he was all over the place getting into everything.
So I plopped him in it with a couple of toys! And he actually liked it!

He sat there for 20 minutes banging his toys on the sides and jabbering away. That was 20 minutes I got to spend NOT chasing him around keeping him out of stuff. Although most of it was spent taking pictures of him...Imagine That!

He hasn't been in his swing in awhile but I still have it set up for Jaxston when he is here. Last night he was tired and cranky so I put him in the swing while I ate dinner. It worked like a charm! He was out in about 1 minute! Too bad he is so big and heavy it will hardly swing with him in it!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Fun Day At The Park

Since it wasn't 105 degrees out yesterday we took advantage and spent some time at the park. We fed the ducks and rode the carousel. He stares at the ducks and studies them.
He watches daddy feed them. We had a couple favorites that we fed most of our bread to. One had a broken wing so we kinda felt sorry for him.

And this one would take the bread really gentle right out of your hand. It was like he was trying to be careful not to bite you. We liked her the best!
We were trying to let Tristan feed the gentle one but he didn't want any part of that! It's crazy how he can already figure stuff like that out. How he likes to watch daddy feed the ducks and to look at the ducks but knows that if he takes the bread himself the ducks will get a little to close for him. Any other time he would have been trying to get the bread out of our hands!

So he left the feeding to dad.
Then we rode the carousel. I think he would have liked it better if the horses weren't going up and down quite so fast. Once that started he was holding onto me for dear life!

He wouldn't look away from me for dad to get a good picture.
After a couple of rounds we decided to sit instead of ride.
Then uncle Clay rode his new 4 wheeler to our house yesterday with Bonnie on the back. Bonnie is a dog that someone dropped off out by our houses. We kept seeing her around and Baylor and Ryan started feeding her. So she is now Clay's dog. Actually we kind of all share her. She splits her time between his house and ours. She is such a good dog we all love her. When we drive by Clay's house to get to ours she always takes off running after us to come visit us for awhile. We are glad to have her around!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Not A Big Fan Of Chicken!

I guess he doesn't like chicken much!

I decided to quit torturing him with chicken and sweet potatoes after I got a couple of pics. Couldn't let that kodak moment get away! Tooth #2 broke thru today! Maybe now we can get some sleep. 1 hour at a time is really not working for mommy! Oh and I was I wishing he would crawl again??? He is into EVERYTHING! If I go to the bathroom he crawls down the hall after me, he torments the dog and always goes for the wires coming out of the tv stand! He is learning No No real quick and boy can he throw a fit! He is getting to be such a big boy! (Tear) :'( Where did my baby go?