Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mom thinks I need to get down on the ground and move around.
But I'm not so sure about that. I would rather be sitting up!

So if she's gonna make me lay here I will just chew on some toys. No moving around for me!

Uncle Robert thinks I need to start practicing my swing.
Now I am ready to go shopping!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Springtime Blizzard

We thought it was shorts weather around here. But we were wrong! So we have been cooped up in the house for the past 2 days watching it snow outside. I have never seen snow with lightning before now. It went from a terrible hail storm at 5 a.m. that was so loud we couldn't hear each other talk to snow a few hours later.
Here are a few pics from the porch. I haven't ventured any further out than that.

Today the sun is out and the snow is melting fast so maybe spring is coming back. Uncle Clay spent the morning knocking over drifts and pulling people out when they got stuck.
So while we're stuck inside we are taking more pictures. If you haven't noticed I like to chew on everything! Chew and slobber is all I do! Chew on my binkie...

And chew on my butterfly!

Chuch says CHEEEESE! He needs some blog posts too.
All smiles.

We learned a new trick. Just stick your tongue out and blow and it makes funny noises and spit flies all over mom or dad. Pretty cool trick if you ask me.

More smiles!
Baby Jordan

Monday, March 23, 2009

March Madness!

Just supporting my Sooners and practicing up on my free throws!


Baylor showed us all how good he was at riding his 4 wheeler at the motor cross track.
Super Star in the making!


We had company this week-end and I love company

Boy do I love when my grandma comes to see me! Mom left me all by myself for the 1st time with grandma this week-end. My grandma is funny and always makes me laugh.
Donna and Baleigh came to visit too. I think Baleigh was telling me a story. It was pretty interesting.

Check out my hats!
Am I cute or what?

Teddy bear hat.
Me and my cuz Baylor
Mom loves this pic.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Today we played...
Then we ate...

Then we played with Chuch...

Then we did oragami...
We had lots of fun!

Last night after my cousin left I was SO tired that I fell asleep in my swing sitting up with toys in my mouth.
He wore me out!

Then when mom and dad made dinner I just chilled out in my highchair helping them out.

My cousin Baylor is pretty dang funny!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Cousin Baylor is here!

Baylor is here for spring break so he gets to stay with us during the days. He has a new baby sister a little older than Tristan and was quick to tell me that he has NEVER changed a diaper and was not about to learn now! Once that was established he has been very helpful with T. If he gets fussy Baylor wants to hold him and has actually been able to calm him down! Today we spent most of the day making cards for people. The one below is his dad's wedding card...he thought of all of it himself. I especially love the beard on the rabbit!

He can't wait for his dad to get home and see it. He thinks Clay will think its pretty darn funny!

I hope tomorrow will not be so windy so we can get out of the house for awhile.

Look mom no hands! Baylor likes to help him sit up by himself. He is impressed that he can sit up longer than his sister. He has been saying since the first time he saw him after he was born "He's so athletic!" Don't think he gets that from his mama!
I'm sure we will do lots of fun things this week and have lots of pics to post.

A few randoms...

We have been practicing sitting up and he's getting pretty good at it.
He loves bein on the floor with his best friend. He thinks Chuch is hilarious!

They like to play and snuggle.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My little monkey loves bananas!

First bite of food! And boy does he love some bananas!
He didn't know all he had to do was double in weight and he would get the good stuff.

Moms been holding out!

Monday, March 9, 2009

He thinks he's so funny!

We took him to the dr. today and he weighed 16 lbs. 4 oz. and was 26" long. Doc said he was definitely well fed and bigger than average but not too big. They expect them to double in weight by 6 months and he has already made that goal. Guess he's an over achiever:) He did get more shots today too. I always have to step aside and let daddy take over for the shots but today went really well. The first one he didn't even flinch he just kept right on smiling. The second one was a little worse but he only cried for a second and as soon as I stepped in to talk to him he was all better. I think it may help that he has those thunder thighs! Hope everyone enjoys the video. He is so much fun now!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

4 months old

Unpacking sure is hard work!
4 month dr. appt. isn't until Monday so we aren't sure of his height and weight. But I do know that he is already wearing 6-9 mo. clothes.

We had to get some pics in his quarterback jacket cause it won't fit for long!

Look at those legs! I'm pretty sure he is getting enough to eat.