Tuesday, September 29, 2009

We're Back!

We have spent a lot of time this week in this! Tristan and I left Wednesday and went to Waxahachie, spent the night with papa, left Thursday for College Station for 1 night then back to Waxahachie for 2 more nights. It was a long week but we loved getting to spend time with family. We weren't ready to come home on Sunday! He found a tent and tunnel at grandma and papa's house.

Sitting in the tent.

Crawling through the tunnel. He had lots of fun in this!

We were shoe shopping. He didn't care much for trying on shoes but he sure liked to check himself out in the mirror.
Here's a cool new trick...
Just push this button for the music to come on and...
Papa will dance! I didn't get a pic of the actual dancing but Tristan thought his papa was pretty darn funny! Papa practiced with him a lot and he finally said papa on the way to College Station! Yay Tristan!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I've Missed My Jumperoo!

First off...Who needs to get in the walker when you can just climb all over it??? He is walking while pushing things now, the walker and a walker toy that you walk behind. It looks like he may be walking unassisted very soon!
I got his jumperoo out of his room for Jaxston to play with but Tristan thought it looked like a lot of fun and that he should play in it instead!

I think he had missed this thing!
So many fun things he forgot about.
He stinks his tongue out when he's thinkin hard!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Check Out My New Do!

I gave him his first clipper haircut the other day. He didn't seem to mind at all. He just wanted to know what was making that buzzing noise.
Doesn't he look like such a big boy with his new do?

Looks like someone is up to something here!
I love my...Brown Eyed Boy!
He loves his Little People toys! We spend hours a day growling and playing with these.
They even taste good too!
His new thing is always sticking his tongue out.
Here lion, you can sit in the birds nest!
Wonder if the elephant will fit there with you?
It's even fun with your feet!
What mom?!?
We went to watch his cousins play soccer and he got to sit in the grass and play with daddy.
I think he wanted to get out there and play soccer too!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Weekend With Family!

He had his first ride in Uncle Clay's jeep with the top down Saturday. He liked looking at the sky as we drove. He also liked singing since the jeep is kinda rough riding it made his voice shaky and he liked that.
He went to his first parade and this is how much he liked it ;) He slept the entire time! Slept through the firetrucks and police cars blaring their sirens and the big trucks honking their horns. Grandma did try to cover his ears for the really loud stuff but I'm not sure it would have woke him up anyway. Maybe next year!

Down, Set, Hut Hut! He knows when daddy says that he is about to get tackled and he thinks that's pretty funny!
Grandma had to buy him a couple new OU shirts since he had outgrown all his old ones.
Grandma also brought him some new toys to play with. He got a new to him chair, Little People Barn and Little People Zoo. They were Baylor's and grandma still had every piece that went with them. Pretty impressive! He loves them!!! They had lots of fun playing. He said he sure wishes his grandma and papa lived closer! ; )
We had such a busy day Saturday he was all tuckered out!
Lids might be his favorite thing to play with. He really liked it when Papa would hide them in his pocket!
Papa sure is fun to play with and climb on!
Here's his new chair that was also Baylor's. Great for watching Yo Gabba Gabba! He wasn't sure about it at first but is starting to sit in it now.
He has dove out of it a couple of times not realizing how far it is to the ground. Good thing he is tough!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

10 Months Old! (a couple days late)

At 10 months he weighs 23 lbs. 6 oz. and is approximately 31" long (he won't lay still long enough for an accurate measurement) So I think he is big enough to start doing some chores around the house...Don't you?
Such a little helper! I need some steel toe slippers to wear around the house thanks to that walker! Mama's boy + walker = lots of sore toes He follows me all over the house and runs over my feet often!

He is now pulling up to everything and letting go trying to stand. It won't be long and he'll be walking around.
I was slacking and these were the only pics I took on the 2nd. Grandma and Papa will be here tonight so I'm sure we will have plenty to post next week. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


My daddy!

And spaghetti!
And being silly!