Thursday, April 30, 2009

Good Times Ahead

We have a fun weekend ahead of us! Grandma, Papa, Baylor, Gram Barb and Grandpa Lawrence will all be here to celebrate Baylor and Papa's birthday. They aren't going to believe how much he has grown when they see him. We are hoping for nice weather since we are spending the weekend at the lake but the forecast isn't looking good. We have lots of fun plans this month so we should have lots of good pics to go along with it! Grandma and Papa are bringing his new swing and I can't wait for him to get it! He'll have so much fun!

Snuggle Buddies! When Tristan sleeps on the couch Chuch likes to get up and snuggle with him. It's so cute. They really love each other!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Lazy Weekend

Be quiet mom and dad I'm trying to sleep! And yes that is a Florida State binkie! He has several OU ones but they are all still to big! FSU is still his second favorite football team behind the Sooners. He knows whats up!
Playing with daddy.

Well do you think they still look alike?
Playing on the floor. He is finally starting to move around more. Up until now he has been pretty lazy.
Why get the toys yourself when mom will do it for you?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

So much for feeling better :(

I thought he was feeling better after having a cold for almost a week but last night he got worse. He started coughing a lot and wheezing. And he was really hoarse and raspy so I decided it was time for his first unscheduled dr appt. So he got his very first antibiotic today! He is hopefully on the road to recovery. We did manage to snap a few photos today so here they are...
Already wearing A shirts like daddy!

Look at those poor sick eyes :(
Sick or not we can still get a smile out of him!
I used to make him smile for pictures by sticking my tongue out at him but it didn't work today. He just stuck his out at me back! What a cutie!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Finally feeling better!

Just a few randoms of him laughing at mommy.

Ok mom I think that's enough picture taking!
Trying to get that pesky toucan.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Little McNabb Fan

Uncle Robert got him this jersey for Christmas. It is size 12 months but it already fits!

And we weighed him today and he weighed almost 19.5 lbs! He is growing so dang fast!

Sorry the jumping video is so blurry. My cell phone camera couldn't keep up with him. You can get the idea though. I will post a better one soon. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Our Mexican Jumpin' Bean

1st Time At The Park

Swingin' away. It is now confirmed that we will be needing a swing for our yard this summer.

We only got to play for about 20 minutes because it got windy but it was fun while it lasted!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Thanks Grandma! You're the best!

Grandma ordered him a jumperoo and we got it today. He loves all the new toys on it.
He is really trying to figure out that whale!

And spinning the monkey.
And now the polar bear and penguin. They are lots of fun to spin round and round!
And it even has something to chew on. That will probably be his favorite part! He has been sick with a cough and cold for the past several days so his new toy came at the perfect time. He will have a fun weekend testing it all out. He is just learning that he can jump in it so I will get a good video and post it tomorrow. Time to go play with my little boy :)

Thank You Grandma Barb!

Now that he is in his big boy car seat I no longer have to tote his heavy butt into stores in the seat. So out came the covers that Gram made him. He loves sitting up in the shopping cart and being able to look around instead of laying back. And his cover is so cute and even has loops to strap his toys on so that they don't get thrown on the floor. Very handy!
He has one for restaurant high chairs too. Now I can eat a meal without holding him in my lap. Thanks grandma! We love you!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Big Boy Car Seat

He got a new car seat. Dad hasn't put it in the car yet but we tested it out in the living room. In his infant carrier he refuses to lean his head back and his feet hang over the end.
He likes it way better to sit up a little. He will still have to face backwards for awhile but not for long! And it looks like he's gonna like it.

More Easter

Mommy's little Easter Bunny.

Rich's sister and her family got to come visit for Easter all the way from Kirksville, Mo. They drove 10 hours with a 1 month old baby! I thought they were crazy but I'm glad they did.

Here's cousin Jamarius (we call him J). They are 4 months apart. What a difference!
Neither one of them were into taking pics this day.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Easter Bunny Came!

He brought me an Easter basket. Chuchy love my new ducky! I like carrots!

I got new bath toys in my Easter basket.

Now bath time is even funner than before!

And I got bubbles. Pretty bubbles.

Friday, April 10, 2009


My BIG sleeping baby. I can't believe how much he has grown.

Playin' with his bear. He loves this thing!

Take that Lion!
Hopefully the weather will be nice this weekend so we can get out of the house for some Easter festivities. I guess we'll just have to wait and see!