Saturday, February 20, 2010

Who needs swords when Grandma has a spatula?

Not these boys! Even though there is 7 years difference in age they find ways to entertain each other.
Like sword fighting!

Tristan had a blast...and I think Baylor did too!
Take that!
And that!
He thinks his cuz is so fun!
This went on for awhile. I think Tristan would have played all day!
On guard!

Lots Of Catchin' Up To Do!!!

My IPhone has ruined me! I rarely get my actual camera out anymore but I am starting to get better again. Just thought I would put some randoms up from the last month or you go gram!
Raiding the fridge!

He's always into something.
Unk taught him how to pat Bonnie's tummy. We sure do love that dog. Don't know how or why anyone would ever dump such a great dog like that out in the country but I thank God they did!

Cheese! Believe it or not he actually has several more teeth now and this was just last month. He'll be eating steak very soon!
He thinks his cuz is pretty darn crazy!
I think Baylor is teachin' Tristan all about cell phones. Wonder how old he'll be when he gets his first phone???
Boomer Sooner Boy!
Mohawk! I love this pic! Such a cutie patootie!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Daddy gave him GUM!!!

Mr. T got his first taste of gum and he loved it! He chewed it for 30 minutes under my watchful eye of course and he never even swallowed it. I had to take it away cause I was tired of staring at him making sure it was still there. My lil gum chewer!!!