Tuesday, September 20, 2011

No!!! That's my dâyee house!

Last night dâyee (as Tristan calls him) and Mr. T built a fort out of couch cushions and blankets. They played in the fort until bedtime and didn't put it all up before going to bed. (of course;) so this morning I picked up the blankets and put the cushions back on the couch and then I!!! That's my dâyee house! Poor guy was heart broken that I tore down his dâyee's house. Guess they will be building a house again tonight! He loves his dâyee :)

P.s. Just trying out mobile blogging!

Monday, September 19, 2011

May 2011

Well what's a baby to do while his dad and big brother fish? Eat your toes of course! Baby bait!

We're BaAaAaAaCk!

Since the last post in February of 2010 life in the Blanco house has changed a little. We have added a baby. He's actually not much of a baby anymore. He's a bit of a HOSS really. Daddy has changed jobs which has given mommy the oppertunity to stay home with these handsome boys of mine. Which of course leads to more picture taking and more time for blogging. So how about a little preview of our life over the past couple of months...

For starters Mr. T caught his first fish! And his mom & dad realized that fishing is one of our favorite things to do as a family. Who knew...